Текст песни Marilyn Manson - 1. GodeatGod

Исполнитель: Marilyn Manson

Guitar – John 5
Guitar [Lead] – T. Ramirez
Guitar [Noise Rhythm] – Dave Sardy
Instruments [Synth] – Bon Harris
Keyboards [Bass Synth] – Manson
Performer [Ambience] – M.W. Gacy

Dear god do you want to tear knuckles down and hold yourself?
Dear god can you climb off that tree that meats in the shape of a T?
Dear god the paper says you were the King in the black limousine
Dear John and all the King's men can't put your head together again
Before the bullets
before the flies
before authorities take out my eyes
the only smiling are you dolls that I made
but you are plastic so are your brains
Dear god the sky is as blue as a gunshot wound
Dear god if you were alive you know we'd kill you
Before the bullets
before the flies
before authorities take out my eyes
the only smiling are you dolls that I made
but you are plastic so are your brains

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