Текст песни The Idan Raichel Project - Ulai Ha'pa'am (Maybe this Time)

Исполнитель: The Idan Raichel Project


Ulai hapa'am yisha'er
habachur she'oto ani ohevet,
ve'eten lo et libi, et kol kochi
sheyavo veyikanes badelet.

Anashim ovrim baderech leyadi
anashim ovrim balailah, vebaboker hem holchim
anashim kashim midai bishvili
az hayom, hayom ani ozevet.

Ulai hapa'am yisha'er...

Anashim ovrim baderech leyadi
anashim otzrim lereg'a, mistaklim ve'az holchim
anashim kashim midai bishvili
az hayom, hayom ani ozevet.

Ani bochah leilot sh'lemim alecha ve'alai
al ech shepa'am ve'al ech she'lo achshav
k'shemitnapetz chalom shel stav
al ech ratziti ve'ata lo
al ech shehi ve'ech ani lo.


Maybe this time he will stay
- the guy that I love
and I'll give him my heart, all my strength
that he'll arrive and come in the door.

People pass by me on the road
people pass by at night, in the morning they go
people that are too hard for me
so today, today I'm leaving.

Maybe this time he will stay...

People pass by me on the road
people stop for a moment, look and then go
people that are too hard for me
so today, today I'm leaving.

I cry whole nights about you and me
about how (it was) once and how now (it isn't)
when autumn's dream is shattered
about how I wanted and you did not
about how she (is) and I (am) not.

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