Текст песни Sezen Aksu - my blonde

Исполнитель: Sezen Aksu

You left passing by a manner, an air.
You left someone how much innocent
when diverting myself by possible and impossible loves
either i loved you also i hate you
neither you could forget nor me
don't cheat yourself, come on
my inner burns, my inner melts
far more than the past
come ,come ,my blondie ,come
come ,i am in love with you ,come
come, come, my day light, come
come, i am very confused, come
such a fire that burns in flame inside me
your hair's smell is left in my hands
i keep on turning like mad in my bed
your shadow is still just like flowing on my skin
neither you could forget nor me
don't cheat yourself, come on
my inner burns, my inner melts
far more than the past
come ,come ,my blondie ,come
come ,i am in love with you ,come
come, come, my day light, come
come, i am very confused, come

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