Текст песни The Idan Raichel Project - Cada D?a (Every Day)

Исполнитель: The Idan Raichel Project

Cada d?a (spanish)
-Estrofa I -
Cada d?a alguien me habla de t?
intentando sacar el dolor de mi alma
Cada? d?a alquien me habla de t?
intentando explicarme que ya no volver?s

Pero de noche cuando ya no hay luz
cuando todos se van
t? caminas despacio
entre mis sue?os est?s
no eres solo un recuerdo
yo te siento tan cerca que pareces real
y despu?s te vas
cuando yo despierte t? ausencia vendr?

Every Day
Every day? someone talks to me about you
Trying to remove the pain from within my soul
Every day someone talks to me about you
Trying to explain to me that you wont return

But at night, when there is no light
When everyone leaves
You slowly walk into my dreams,
There you are, you are not just a memory
I can? feel you so close that you are almost real
But then you leave again
And when I wake up your absence is present

Every day someone talks? to me about you
And they tell me time is like a turning wheel
Every day I could climb
After reaching the bottom if only I could also turn

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